The Truth About Plastics
Even with environmental education and aggressive recycling programs Americans still throw away between 70 and 100 million plastic bottles a day Over 50 billion end up in landfills, or in the oceans where 90% of the trash is plastic Plastics accumulate because they don’t biodegrade like other substances (could take over 1,000 years) Plastics break down into polymers which seep into our water supplies These polymers end up on the oceans, and in the very fish that we eat.
We have to do a better job of creating more environmentally friendly packaging products, increasing recycling education and disposal programs and encouraging industry to use recycled plastic as a primary manufacturing resource. We need to get creative. Get aggressive. Get into action! We’ve started with My Blue Earth. What about you?
Manufacturing Materials (P.E.T.)
At MyBlueEarth our first product will be made from 100% recycled PET plastic and we encourage the creative use of recycled materials by other manufacturers. If there were more items and uses for the recycled PET, we could decrease our use of fossil resources in creating new Virgin plastic. Simple items, new consumer products, building materials, car parts and more, could all eventually be made for recycled items. Displacement box made from recycled P.E.T. plastic (Polyethylene Terephthalate ) Why? It’s environmental AND economical.
Recycled P.E.T is inexpensive to acquire, and more uses are needed for recycled materials Recycling P.E.T Plastics conserves energy and water 3 gallons of water needed to make a single gallon plastic bottle, and the energy used could power a 60 watt bulb for 6 hours Plastics break down into polymers , seep into our water supplies, contaminate oceans, and accumulate in fish we eat
Plastics Are Costly for the Environment
It takes 3 gallons of water to make just to make a one gallon plastic bottle Americans throw away 70-100 million plastic bottles a day Over 50 Billion end up in landfills, as litter, or washed out to sea Nearly 90% of trash in the ocean is plastic Trash accumulates in ocean gyres with the largest (The Great Pacific Garbage Patch) estimated to be twice the size of Texas The energy used to produce a water bottle is enough to power a single 60-watt bulb for six hours Recycling P.E.T Plastics conserves energy and water More uses are needed for P.E.T. plastic recycling
My Blue Earth Recycling Model There are not enough companies using recycled materials in the production of new products. It is absolutely essential that manufacturers look to recycled plastic first as a raw material. Not only will My Blue Earth be made of recycled plastic, we will work to educate consumers on the importance of buying products that use recycled materials. We will also work with manufacturers to come up with new and effective ways to use recycled materials. The glass of water you are drinking right now depends upon it.
- USL Report, 2/2007, American Chemistry Council, Nat’l Ass. PET Container Resources Pacific Institute 2007, EPA 2006, Association of Post Consumer Plastic Recyclers 10/2009. 2008 Reports on Post Consumer PET Container Recycling Activity – National Association for PET Container Resources. * estimates.
- Photo Credit: Plastic pollution on a Caribean beach, Courtesy of Fabi Fliervoet, via Flickr
Mailing Address
9601 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1199
Beverly Hills, CA 90120